03 / August / 2016 16:06

Rouhani: If US removed the obstacles, more negotiations is possible

Rouhani: If US removed the obstacles, more negotiations is possible

EghtesadOnline: President Hassan Rouhani says if the United States remains fully committed to the JCPOA there will be possibility for more negotiations.

News ID: 735512

If Americans had carefully implemented the JCPOA and removed the obstacles on the way of the full implementation of the nuclear deal, we could trust them and possibly negotiate with them on other issues which would ultimately secure the interest of the region and that of the US, President Rouhani said Tuesday evening during a live televised interview, according to ILNA.

But achieving the nuclear deal was the result of national unity, he said.

The JCPOA was not the result of a favor by G5+1, rather it was the consequence of the Iranian people's resistance and the Leader's guidelines, the President said.

In the sanctions era, big powers prevented Iran's oil export but after the deal, the Islamic Republic increased the production of its crude oil and other oil related products and now the Islamic Republic is exporting the volume of oil similar to the pre-sanctions level, Rouhani said.

The Iranian people, following the nuclear deal, moved out of the sinister shadow of threats, President Rouhani said.

He added that Iran has been introduced as a threat against world peace and security, noting that as a result of the nuclear deal, plots to promote Iranonphobia were defeated.

Iran's enrichment was recognized and we are on the verge of exporting enriched uranium, he said.

He said that investment has increased and billions of dollars of foreign investment has been guaranteed for the country after the nuclear deal.

He noted that according to the official statistics, non-oil exports have experienced a significant growth in comparison to the previous years.

The President also praised facilitation of shipping, insurance, financial transactions and export of oil and gas after the JCPOA.

In the sanctions era, big powers had restricted Iran's access to oil markets and it could not export more than one million barrels of oil per day, Rouhani said.

There are still problems regarding cooperation of big banks with Iran as well as problems which exist in areas like transforming Iranian assets abroad and transferring these assets to the country, he said, voicing hope for ultimate resolution of such problems.

He said that after the nuclear deal, Iran has not only increased oil export but also the limitations placed on Iran to deny its access to oil money were removed.

Four hundred foreign banks have already started working with their Iranian counterparts, President Rouhani said.

Referring to the opposition of Republicans in the United States with the nuclear deal with Iran, he said that certain regional states as well as the Zionist regime are doing their best to prevent execution of the JCPOA.

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